Rubber Lips Meaning – Jon Gruden Used Racial Trope to Describe NFLPA Chief DeMaurice Smith in 2011 Email

Rubber Lips Meaning – The expression ‘rubber lips’ seems to have different definitions. As indicated by Urban Dictionary Rubber Lips is the point at which you: “Accidentally mangle the pronunciation of a word due to lingual clumsiness. This happens when you stumble over a word you can usually pronounce, or when you find a specific combination of sounds you simply cannot make yourself pronounce.”

A second shoptalk meaning of the expression proposes it alludes to “someone whose lips have a pronounced shape”.  Mick Jagger was purportedly nicknamed Rubber Lips as a result of his notorious lip shape. 

Notwithstanding, many individuals via web-based media have recommended that the expression could be a racial figure of speech, reflecting antiquated remarks about the Black people group. 

While examining remarks he made in an email in 2011 where player DeMaurice Smith was alluded to as having "lips the size of Michelin tires", Raiders mentor Jon Gruden told senior Athletic essayist Vic Tafur that he utilized the expression 'Rubber Lips' to allude to individuals lying: 

“I didn’t feel like we were getting the truth. I refer to guys when I see them lying – and I can tell they’re lying – I refer to them as ‘rubber lips. I went too far calling him Michelin lips”.

Gruden has apologized for the phrasing of his 2011 email, and the NFL is auditing the make a difference to check whether any disciplinary activity is required.
