Chris Evans Selena Gomez Piano Video


Chris Evans Selena Gomez Piano Video

it can unravel your stress before bed and that way  your brain can fall asleep smoothly and peacefully so what is a relaxing nighttime routine look  like there are countless different ways to create your relaxing routine some people get lost  in a good book others take a warm bath and listen to soothing music you can also practice deep  breathing meditate or combine multiple of these activities together it doesn't really matter what  you do as long as you're relaxed and consistent so find one or more activities that soothe your  stress and use that activity like a ritual to unwind every night not only will your ritual help  you relax it will consistently signal your brain that it's time to sleep number five gradual  adjustments are you unhappy with your sleep schedule do you want to go to sleep and wake up  earlier than you do right now there are countless benefits to waking up early from higher energy to  greater concentration the brain performs at its best in the first half of the day anyone can take  advantage of this morning boost but first you need to adjust your sleep cycle and that means waking  up earlier and going to sleep earlier alright let's say you normally wake up at 10 or 11 am but  you want to try waking up at 6 00 am the worst thing you can do is to switch your schedule all  at once many people make this mistake they expect their brains to suddenly adapt to a big change in  their sleep cycle but this big change comes back to bite them instead of feeling energetic they  end up feeling drowsy and unproductive the brain enjoys consistency in your sleep cycle  so use this consistency to your advantage
